Tuesday, October 21, 2008


It has been quite a day. It all began while it was still night when I awoke to little knees in my back, little H knees. I think he must have been dreaming about riding his bike, I couldn't even estimate how many times he continually kicked me. Not to mention his collection of things has dramatically grown. He has gone from puppy and haci (paci) (and I know he is 3, I'm praying for him!) to puppy, haci, tiny elephant, another dog, his Atlanta zoo panda bear and an Aflac duck. Yes, all of these were in our bed!! So I get up and go to the gym, it was one of those mornings when you were glad to finally get up, lol, and come back to hear first singing from my bed, H was listening to the ipod, "mighty to save!"- hallelujah- but then a terrible bark, H has croup. sigh. So we were off breathing treatments for 3 days, that was good. So we had a quiet day at home. Really it was nice. So nice to have time with the kids in my nice home with wonderful weather outside and a great yard to enjoy.

There were some funny lines out of the kids today, Ek: "I am so glad to have a fried egg (for dinner) I haven't had one of these in years." What does she know about years?! H, "Mommy, (while riding bikes and seeing Hunter in the lot between our houses) we can't walk through there, we'll get horns." "Horns, H, like what kind?" "Like a rhinoceros." LOL! He heard us talk about thorns and it got all confused in his mind, funny enough, I didn't correct him! HA! And lastly, H taught L how to pant like a dog. Hilarious. And today she also started "Woof!" like a dog, but she leaves off the w, you have to listen closely, but it is quite cute. H's second dog among his "things" inspired her.

What will tomorrow bring? Won't it be fun to see. Oh wait, we have flu shots for all tomorrow! Ahh! I need a night without H's knees tonight! I did tell him he needed to stay in his bed that he needed to cow humidifier to help him sleep, sneaky but true.


Kim said...

"haven't had one of those in years!" Hilarious!

And poor Henry! Praying for that croup to be at an end...I'm picturing the walk down those stairs carrying all those animals! Thankful for the Arms that hold little ones safely through the night to Mom and Dad's bed.

Megan said...

I think there is a good chance Claire and Henry were meant for each other . . . 1. she has "Bubby" her bunny and paci - the two essentials - plus a bounty of other dolls, animals, books etc. Right now she is particularly fond of Brutus the big dog and Toto the little dog of Wizard of Oz fame (it goes with her Dorothy costume) 2. Her favorite song is "Mighty to Save". She sings it all the time and knows every single word. It is precious. 3. I slept with her little knees in my back last night along with Bubby, paci, Brutus and Toto. Lucky for me Rhett is out of town otherwise it would be a tight squeeze. Interesting similarities:)