Tuesday, October 28, 2008

H and school

H made me giggle on the way to school this morning. He asked if he was going to school, he had not been in a week due to his illness. He then said to my response of yes, 'noooo, I still have a cough (cough, cough) I need to stay home with you.' This may be his first attempt to get out of school with illness. He does still have a bad cough, but I do not think he is contagious and he is plenty playful. His teacher said he had a great day and I'm so glad.

His response does make me examine my own heart though, making sure I am not sitting on the sideline due to a previous illness or injury, looking for an excuse to bail out. Huh. They are quite the mirrors. Help me Lord to live my life with boldness and zeal, having confidence in your good plans.

Tomorrow is the fall festival at school. These are pictures from that day when Ek was there 2 years ago. I can't wait to see H and L there tomorrow with that day 2 years ago continuing to bring such sweet memories. H is having a hard time deciding what to be, we have spiderman, a race car driver and, of course, football. He told his teacher he is going to be a St. Bernard. What? Does he remember this hat from 2 years ago? Of course not, but where did he get St. Bernard from?

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