Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Busy Day!

The day started early and dark, running with Darla and Heather down Bellevue. Our run ended with a phone call from Susanne announcing Thomas James's arrival! Darla and I jumped in my car and sped to the hospital to see the beautiful baby boy and hear of his exciting arrival.

H and L saw Dr. Soos, and then we went to the pharmacy to pick up Pulmacort, Zyrtec and Prednisone. sigh. Oh and a Tootsie Pop that L and H "shared" on the way home.

After we picked Ek up from school we visited Susanne and baby, the kids were so busy that we did not stay long at all. He is so precious and Susanne looked so great, sitting up in the bed in t-shirt and shorts.

We met up with Tara and kids at Scoops where L entertained us with her ice cream eating. She wanted, more like insisted, borderline demanded, her own cup that she ate with a sample spoon... if only I had my camera with me. such a sight.

Moe's and Church...

Then I spent the night making sugar cookies look like eyes with glasses on and helping John prepare for community helper day tomorrow. Ek is so excited she can hardly stand it. She even wants to dress like an eye doctor, 'mommy, what do eye doctors wear? i don't have any clothes that look like daddy's.' But what I really wanted to be doing was finishing L's newest dress! But I can't wait to be a part of community helper day tomorrow at her school... and i hope they think the cookies look like eyes, not sure why my picture is loading sideways, but turn your head like you are eating a taco, squint and see if you understand.

So grateful for the provison of the Lord today. For caring doctors and effective medicines to help us along this life. May our healed state give us strength to proclaim Him among the nations.

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