Saturday, October 4, 2008

Exerting Independence

Today we arrived home after nap time with tired children from a birthday party for Ek's friend Michaela. Now if it had just been me, we would have marched straight upstairs, but when J is around, we move slower. So we paused in the living room, were talking and laughing, Ek and H were playing in the pillows on my bed. And L? Where is L? uh-oh, we lost her. I called her name and was looking for her when I hear a small cry over the monitor. She had crawled up the stairs, toddled down the hall, crawled under her crib to find a lone paci and got stuck. I guess she was ready for a nap. If she could have crawled in her crib, we probably would have found her asleep. Sweet L, we didn't forget you. We quickly kissed her and laid her down. Ah, nap time. PS, I guess the 4 bites of chocolate cake didn't keep her awake too bad. LOL

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