Thursday, October 16, 2008


For some reason, I have been thinking a lot today about hugs. I really love hugs, especially from people I really love. What is a hug defined? "To clasp or hold closely, especially in the arms, as in affection; embrace. To hold steadfastly to; cherish. To stay close to." according to my google dictionary. So I guess that is why I like hugs, I like all those things. And oh how I want my hugs to convey those things. It is amazing to me to think of all the confirmations God gives us about who he has made us to be. I think we were made for relationships, relationship with Himself and with others that point us to Himself. I know I just crave time and attention from the people I love, I just like at least hearing their voices, but a hug is even better. I remember how hard my first semester was at UGA, and how at the time I didn't realize it but later I thought it was probably because of the sharp decline in affection from my mom and dad, even though they were just blocks away, I missed their hugs. Our daily routine right now is pretty busy, a good bit of my day is swept away before I can do much of anything. One of the highlights of the day is at 2:45. I pick H up 3 days a week at 12:30, we run home, eat lunch, march upstairs, lay L down, and then I read to H (anther favorite time of the day), H goes to sleep somedays very quickly others not so much. Ek is done with school at 3 and most days H and L are still asleep, so I get to quietly go upstairs and whisper to each of them, time to go get Ek, while I scoop them up and their little heads flop on my shoulder and I carry them to the car. Favorite time of day? Yes, a sweet moment of complete weight snuggle, not a wiggly hug, but a big, sleepy hug. I love it everyday.

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