Saturday, October 11, 2008


I think one of my biggest roles as mother to my children is helping them discern the Lord's plans for their lives (Jeremiah 29:11-14). There are many choices that people are making today that will not be included in the list of choices to make because we believe in Biblical truth. We know we have been given 2 girls and a boy and so I continually pray for their purity and their spouses. So many things we hear about on the news are not really "choices" when we believe God. There are many things though that I pray for wisdom in how to encourage them. I want to find the places where God has called them to grow into the person God has made them. School, activities, friends, the extracurriculars in life. Ek is our first shot. And we have some glimpses into her interests. Cheer leading was such a big hit. She loved it. And we love the thought of her cheering, it is a wonderful practice of encouragement. Since cheer leading camp I have heard her cheers so many times that they swarm around my mind. There was a pep rally yesterday so I have been hearing, "Calling all kindergartners on the floor-- we are the kindergartners and we want more!" I heard it in my sleep last night. And today is her Nutcracker fitting. So excited! And I am praying for wisdom for over dance lessons in the spring. Oh I pray for wisdom to help my sweet Ek along.
PS In this picture she is saying the "word" of "Hey- Ho- Christ is in my soul! Huh! Thats a fact, no doubt, Word." Ahhh to be young and free.

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