Saturday, October 10, 2009

Unsupervised H

It has been a while since I have told a tale of my H while unsupervised. Today during the GA game, H and Ek were playing so quietly in the playroom. I went to the kitchen to fix J some lunch, he went to check on the kids. And this is what he saw, brace yourself...

That's my boy! What can I say, really? He loves to climb and has no fear. Oh! but I did say, "H get down from there and do not ever do that again!" Big thanks to Grady for securing the shelves to the wall years ago. He knew what he was talking about. I wonder if J was ever caught doing such a thing. hmmmm. Thankfully there were no injuries, not even a bump.

I just had to add dear Kim's comment to this post, it is a wonderful reminder to love my kids the way they were made and encourage their, shall I say, unique attributes: 'Okay. We've got the pole cut down to his size. You just need to put out a mattress or something. We'll see how soon we can get it to you. Wayne's excited about his attitude. It's everything we look for in a vaulter!! Remember, Cassie started on top of the refrigerator at 2. Way to go, Henry!!

(And stop causing your mama's heart to stop until we get you on a mat!) '


Megan said...

I love the unsupervised H posts but his one has me kind of rattled. Question - is he as good at climbing down as he is climbing up???

Katharine said...

Yes I was quite rattled as well... i'm not quite sure how he would have gotten down. Thankfully we didn't find out, J got him down. And hopefully he won't try it again.

Julie, the mama said...

Ha! I only chuckle now because I know my day is coming. Playing in the toilet today, climbing up bookcases tomorrow. Little boys are such messers. Sooooo different than little girls.

My mama (Carol Harrell) forwarded me your blog, and I love reading about your adventures in mommying. Many thanks for sharing your stories.

Kim said...

Okay. We've got the pole cut down to his size. You just need to put out a mattress or something. We'll see how soon we can get it to you. Wayne's excited about his attitude. It's everything we look for in a vaulter!! Remember, Cassie started on top of the refrigerator at 2. Way to go, Henry!!

(And stop causing your mama's heart to stop until we get you on a mat!)