Sunday, October 18, 2009

Friday treat

Friday I took the kids to get ice cream after school. They had gotten amazing report cards and H was even behaving wonderfully at school, not to mention the potty progress of my smallest, so that was enough to say, let's go! H knew what kind he wanted-- Sponge Bob which is yellow cake flavored ice cream with bits of sponge cake mixed in, on a sugar cone. Ek wanted to try something new, she tried Rainbow sherbet and had it on a cake cone. I was trying to help L decide, I showed her birthday cake with all of its beautiful sprinkles and strawberry, she has been on a pink kick since she learned that pink is pink. Her reply, "No mommy, I was spiderman." That's right. L remembered last time we were there, she had Superman ice cream, vanilla ice cream colored red, yellow and blue. And she wanted it on a cake cone. Now those are 3 children that know what they want. They all ate their ice cream with tiny sample spoons, L got a big nervous mid- way that she didn't get enough and begged for more. I fluffed it up a bit and showed her how to eat her cone. She ate every bit. H also ate every bite. Ek ate every bite of ice cream and threw away the cone. It was delightful. They are delightful. Yesterday we drove by the ice cream shop and H wanted it again, for lunch. He is a hoot. And this morning he wanted candy corns (or horns as he sometimes calls them) for breakfast. He gets it so honest and I'm so glad I've got a few more years before he is on his own.

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