Tuesday, October 27, 2009


We are having trouble getting H's class on their first school bus. Their first field trip was supposed to be last Friday. J was going to go and was, I think, more excited than H! I was really excited for them too, I knew they would have a great time. Then the farm postposed due to a 20% chance of rain. Ok. And rescheduled for today. I left the gym this morning to pouring rain and in continued on and off all day. We arrived to school ready and willing, rain boots, rain jackets, blue jeans, umbrellas, but were quite relieved to find it had been postponed again. H said on the way, "mommy, I don't really want to go to the farm in the rain." He was also quick to point out that the bus had yet been pulled around the K building, quite observant. So we will await patiently our perfect day at the farm.

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