Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I had one of those spiritual coincidence moments today. I'll back up a few days to begin my story. H and L's allergies have gotten terrible over the last few days. L looks like she has never received any medicine for an allergy in her life, nor ever met a Kleenex. H's nose is pretty bad too. I am quite sad about it, especially since they get allergy medicine everyday, actually L gets 2. So I decided I had slacked off on my honey and was going to start again this morning. I gave myself a teaspoon, L a teaspoon and H a teaspoon. Quick and easy. Wrong. H protested. I won't go into details because one day I just know I'll forget those moments. But I really believed I was trying to do the right thing and its honey, I like it. H, not so much. So off to take everyone to school and I'm off to Bible study. We talked about the Israelites not entering into the Promised Land, you know the land of milk and honey. Our new study is about the 2 in 2 million that got in the Promised Land. I came home and had a little talk with H about the honey. I told him God had taught the bees how to make honey and honey helps with our allergies forever. H said he would rather have his Zyrtec. ha. But he did say he would try some honey again tomorrow. This reminds me of the importance of being in God's word. We need to know his best for us so we know his best for us. He has told us what he wants our lives to look like, how he made us, but we have to know him to know his ways. Hopefully H knows how dearly I love him and that my intentions can be trusted. Maybe he will swallow his honey tomorrow. And maybe I can continue to learn how to live in the promises of God. And one more speaking of honey, several weeks ago I called L "honey," and she siad "I not honey!" She's a hoot.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Isn't it crazy how we have those teachable moments as moms? So wonderful how the "honey" lesson came the same day and God was able to use it! I'm reading a book called "The Bathtub is Overflowing but I feel Drained" by Lysa Terkeurst and she shares some of those moments for her, which is making me notice them more often in my own life. So cool how God does that for us!