Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The challenge of others' lives

L is thinking about potty training. She knows how but we are still in the early stages. I think back to how different Ek was at this time, and there is one huge difference-- she didn't have anybody who was giving her anyone to imitate. She didn't have any role models. And she didn't want to at all. She was even a bit scared of the whole process, even the adorable Gymboree panties I bought her. L, on the other hand, is so anxious to wear panties. She wants to so bad, even if she doesn't know what to do when she has them on. It really is a hoot to see the differences. As a friend in TX said to me a long time ago, every child is born into a different family, so true, so true.

This has me thinking about our daily walk with God as well. It is so important that we are with people who are walking out their faith. It is so helpful to see others doing what we long to do, the things we were made to do, the things we are called to do, the life we are called to grow up into. I don't know if this example would ever make it into a sermon (lol) but it is a great reminder to me, to keep around and look for those in my life who challenge me to greater things.

Sorry, L, for the picture, I couldn't resist. Ek said, "L, do you want me to get you some toys to play with or books to read?" and then turned to me and said "Mommy, I saw on Noggin they said to do that so the children could go potty while they play." What a mommy she will be.

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