Sunday, March 8, 2009


Last week while I was praying for my Dad, the Lord impressed Psalm 27 upon me. And I do mean impressed, I was so impressed by God in that Psalm and given great courage to wait and see what our great God is going to do in our lives. I especially loved the last line, "Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!" My heart wanted to shout back, "Ok God we will, we will wait!" So today while listening to the sermon at church I was so excited to hear this exact line again! And I love when God expands his teaching! "Wait for" in the opening line means in the Hebrew, "To bind together by twisting, to collect, to be gathered together, to be joined, to meet, to lie in wait for someone, to expect, to await, to look for patiently, to wait, to hope, to be confident, to trust, etc." (that is from the Greek-Hebrew Key Word Study Bible) So here is my pondering thought. There are times in the Bible where we see waiting like Ek waits for me to pick her up from school, she knows I'm coming, she waits patiently, expectantly. I think of this as we await Christ to come back down through the clouds, we're watching, some days more patient than others, but expectant. There are also times when we wait like H, repeating his request over and over and over, and did I mention over and over? That boy has some amazing focus. I think of the widow who went to the judge with her request over and over. But I think in this verse I like to think of how L waits for her meals. pause to giggle. She waits on my hip. She watches my every move, she knows exactly what I am doing, she only gets impatient when I put her down because she can't see the progress anymore. So I think tonight as "I wait for the Lord" to heal J, to bring breakthroughs to Dad and Mom, to see fruit of my labor in my kids, to see Him come through the clouds... I know I can wait in his strength when I wait bound together with Him, like this defination suggests... waiting in His Word, in prayer, in worship... wanting to believe I will grow impatient when I climb away and lose sight of who He is-- His goodness and His love-- and what He is doing. I guess I have always viewed waiting like Ek waiting on me to pick her up-- she can't see me until I am there, but she knows I'm coming. Now I am thinking I can wait on the Lord with the Lord-- with him, watching him, listening to him. I think that is a much nicer place to be. I guess I will also think differently of my throbbing arm while I fix dinner with L on my hip, she just thinks it is a good place to wait, and I guess it is.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I love this wait on the Lord with the Lord. That's very settling, isn't it? Not to think He's not right here...working already. But waiting with Him while He works His good will in my life. Able to see Him work in my life and others' lives. That's good.