Monday, March 30, 2009

So much fun!

L and I had the most fun today surprising mom and dad with a surprise trip to Athens. Mom got the bigger surprise, we walked into the church to see her at her new desk. She was talking on the phone and her chin about hit the desk she was so shocked. She just kept shaking her head and covering her mouth in up most surprise. L sat in her lap, while she was still talking and said several times, "where's pop?" L couldn't quite figure out what was going on either, she didn't know where we were or what we were doing there. The kids and I had packed a care package for mom to be delivered to the church on her first day of work and I decided that I wanted to deliver it myself. We visited with mom for about an hour at the church while she worked, gave her lots of hugs and smiles and then went to meet dad for lunch. We had such a sweet time visiting. What an amazing treat to see dad on a regular Monday during lunch hour. He went with me to run a few errands and kept L very well occupied. I floated back home so happy to have spent the afternoon with my wonderful, amazing parents. It was awesome. Oh and Ek and H? H went home with Susanne and Ek went home with Christy. It was just too much fun. I just pray for my parents that the Lord will continue to show Himself big in their lives, because he is after all!

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