Monday, March 23, 2009


Sunday at lunch the kids ate their lunch quickly and were looking forward to their icecream. Ek said in a pitiful voice with mashed potatoes and fried fish left on her plate, "I'm so fuuulllll." and after pausing for a moment said in her most cheerful voice, "Can I have some icecream?!" insert big smile. J told them whoever sat for 5 minutes quietly (while he ate) could have icecream. They did. And it was pretty quiet actually. We went and scooped 2 servings of orange sherbert for Ek and L, and Banana pudding for L, and bread pudding for me. There were no sprinkles. Well since they had added cucumbers to the salad bar after an Ek comment of regret that there were none, I thougth surely they would ablidge us with sprinkles. Miss Cathy went to retrieve some. While waiting J told Ek he would give her some of his peas for sprinkles. We all laughed. She said she would try some. While I was speaking to a friend, he gave her a few. Ewww. That was her thought too. She calmly with a disgusted face fed about 5 spoonfuls of orange sherbert with peas to J until they were all gone, just in time to sprinkle on as many rainbow colored sprinkles as she could. L even had some on her pudding. Hopefully next time she will just wait patiently for her sprinkles, for J's sake that is.

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