Saturday, September 26, 2009

Several days ago, a friend of j and mine was hit by a full size SUV while riding his bike. The SUV was hit by a full size truck that had run a stop sign and then the SUV that was hit ran into him. The Lord has kept him alive and his injuries seem to be things that can be fixed. The last conversation I had with him, I shared with him J’s insight that the Lord had given him Sunday morning regarding our training. The Lord had impressed on him to run every mile with purpose and praying for specific people during his time. Now our friend is lying in a hospital bed and yet, I think the same remains, he must run with purpose. He has got to fight to regain his strength for the work the Lord has for his life and embrace where he is now. God loves him. Our adversary would love to keep him knocked down and yet God will work this all for good. He now has a different race to run. He was looking at doing another tri this fall, now he will be in rehab after his breaks heal. But the same is true for all of us, we must run the races God has called with His intentions for it at the foremost of our minds and praying His prayers for the time. We must be sure to run our own race, believing God’s specific plans for our own lives. I know for me, my race that I must do well, is love well. Train hard in loving well. Practice it, pursue it, seek to do it better, get stronger in it. I want to love well. I want to run my race well. Help me Lord. Help Spence Lord. Help us all.

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