Sunday, September 13, 2009

"Baby" L

L is the oldest baby I have ever had. As such she gets some great advantages. For example, the other morning I got her out of her crib (oh wait, there is another advantage, not getting kicked out of the crib!), H was so sleepy and wanted desperately for me to carry him down the steps and I thought, I couldn't possibly let L walk down the steps first thing in the morning, she's just a baby. Then I get this little reminder nudge, oh, H was a big brother at this age and I couldn't pick him up for 6 weeks straight! Oh, it makes me laugh, I do not mention this around the others. We all need to celebrate the times and places God has set for us and walk in them (Acts 17). I am very thankful to walk through them with my sweet little people. By the way, I carried both down the steps, and 2 puppies, one bear and one tiger. Very carefully.

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