Monday, September 14, 2009


Tonight after taking Ek to dance and meeting friends to celebrate Ben's bday with ice cream, J headed back to get Ek early while I took H and L to H's soccer game, J and Ek crossed 100,000 miles in the Pathfinder. It is hard to believe that the car I picked out while a senior in high school because I choose to stay at UGA on Hope would one day carry my husband and my oldest child around Dublin, GA to see our H play soccer. Nope, not what I was thinking about the day I first drove it. But wow, what an amazing gift that was that my Dad gave me. and my family. I am grateful for all the places that car has taken all of us, way too many too even begin to recount. Ok ok, here are a few, it always took me back home while away from college!, it drove me and Lauren around while listening to Jars of Clay with the windows down, I distinctly remember driving it away the night I met J in Augusta, it took the drive on the back of a uhaul trailer to Texas with an indoor tree in the driver's seat, it took me to and from the hospital to work on days I wished it would take me elsewhere, then I passed it over to J to take to and from work even on days he wished it would take him elsewhere when I drove baby Ek around in the Tahoe, it took us to the hospital to see H and L's faces for the first time, and now it takes my J safely to work and on extra special days, it takes me and J on dates :) . 100,000 miles of good. So thankful to my dad and my heavenly Dad, I will mention James 1:17 again.

1 comment:

Megan said...

That is awesome! What wonderful memories. I remember getting in it when it was brand spanking new and riding around thinking we were hot stuff. Will it be the next Pumpkin? The Cranberry perhaps??