Thursday, September 10, 2009

Learning Ek

Ek has taught us something that, honestly, I would have been fine not knowing. J was laughing and saying if she is already teaching us this much in first grade what will we be doing when she gets older! Mom, brace yourself as you read this. The letter "C" precedes the letters a, o, and u. The letter "K" precedes the letters e and i. So this means. That all these years. My mother. Grandmother. Myself. and now I am passing on to my own daughter. A name. That is spelled. Wrong. I. am. devastated. And I will state here that I love my name. I love my spelling. Its the Scottish way, you know. And I am very proud of my lineage. Especially my Katharine lineage. I have no, I repeat no intention of a correction, no matter what first grade phonics say. And I will mention this no more. Its like the Father's forgiveness, this memory will be as far away as the east is from the west. Except when I am helping my daughter read. and write. and spell. But not her name, no ma'am. She will continue to misspell it. lol.


Kim said...

I was getting so worried...then I checked and re-checked...whew. K does come before i. I'm safe. My world shifted there for a second...just long enough to give me a hint of what you must be going through, Katharine. But I will stand with you.

Don't you love it when they run home to tell you how wrong you've been all along!!?? I remember Cassie telling me in the second grade that the sun doesn't RISE, Mom (said most derisively). We turn.
Thank you, Cassie.

Cathy said...

This cracks me up! I've always given teasing reasons about why Cathy (or Catherine) should be spelled with a C instead of a K. Now I have an official reason! Thanks to EK & her fabulous teacher! LOL!
Love your friend,
C-athy (Catherine)

PS I love your name! It suits you to a "t"! I especially like the -arine!
It's beautiful! :)