Sunday, September 20, 2009

Grandparents Day

Friday morning was grandparents day at TCS. We were sad to not have Pops and Mopsey there, but very grateful to have Grandma and Papa. The kids were so excited about grandparents day and talked about it from the beginning of school. We all piled in the gym and enjoyed so much listening to their wonderful singing and hearing that things are going great at our school. Then the kids got to show off their rooms and some art they had done. We got to see their teachers and classmates. It was a very nice morning. L was also quite entertaining during the program, I packed her a bag of her favorite things and she managed to have a ball. She took excellent care of her baby including toting her around with her purse on her shoulder, she read her baby books and gave her a bottle. Thankfully the row behind us were quite amused by her! I sure was.

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