Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The last time?

The day before school started was a Tuesday. We went to the club to go swimming which we loved to do all summer. It was always so fun- the kids laughed, played and just loved being in the water. We also loved to see our friends- friends who we planned to meet and friends who happened to be there. We loved when the pool was full of familiar faces and when all we saw were each other. We commonly let Miss Cathy fix us a yummy lunch, I usually got a salad and the kids usually got mini corn dogs and fruit. On special days, I let them get an ice cream treat. Miss Cathy would sometimes let them come behind her counter, peak their little eyes over the cooler and choose which treat they would get. It was just a really happy time and a really happy place. One that Tuesday Miss Cathy told us that the weekdays at the pool were over, that they would be open only on the weekends until Labor Day. I almost wanted to turn right back around and swim some more. I soaked in that day, we ate lunch and ice cream and had a ball. I wanted so badly to cling to it, yet summer at the pool was over. It was time to get back to the disciplined life of school. After all I do not want to raise kids who want and endless summer, they are called to much more of a life than that! It is with sadness that I say good bye to those days though. Well we extended summer one more day for Jack and Ben's Big Kahuna party Sunday! Out came the swimsuits and towels and we went over to slide down the huge water slide for hours. I was so grateful for one more time for some fun summer fun. And now it is done. No wait! Susanne called Monday to say the slide was still up and calling for some summer boys! So after school, we had one more minute of summer. I am wondering if we might squeeze one more time in this Labor Day weekend. It just has had me thinking of wanting to take in the last time that we do things. We don't always get the chance to know when it is the last time. God seems to have some wisdom for this, he tells us not to worry about tomorrow (maybe not worry that this will be the last time?) and to rejoice in today (maybe enjoy everyday regardless of how many more will come?). Maybe this is how to live a life "without regrets." I am not sad for summer to be done this year, I welcome the fall breezes and the things that come with fall, and I do look forward to next summer and more days at the pool.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

Your closeness to our Lord and Savior is so encouraging to me! One of my favorite things about you is how you say Jesus' name. Whether it be "the Lord" or "Jesus". You have such a dependence on Him that you say His name with such passion. When I read about what you are learning and studying I can't help but hear in my head you saying "the LORD". Brings tears to my eyes every time! Your love for our Savior is evident in the way you SPEAK! What a blessing you must be to those who can hear you everyday! We need to see each other sometime in the next year! How I love seeing pictures of EK, H, and L! They are growing up so fast! And to think! I've still never seen L in real life! Can you believe it?! Thank you for giving me a glimpse into your life! I love you very much.