Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Thanksgiving Feast

Today was H's preschool Thanksgiving feast, or really a snack as the director informed us as we were about to make our plates. L and I went with him, of course, and it went pretty well. Ok ok it was very tiring. They both did pretty well until the stage enticed them. It had a bunch of grown up musical things and I was so nervous for them to go up there, so every 2 mintues I had to get L and she would scream, not sweet L?!, yes sweet L. I didn't include in the below post about her fit- pictching, I blame it mostly on H. They were side by side on their backs screaming for a Dum-dum today. Wow, how quickly did I digress? Where was I? Oh yes, the stage. So L kept screaming every time I would get her off and H wouldn't eat anything and then he kept trying to tip his chair back and I told him not to and tried to hold it down, but that made him scream... until he did tip it back to the ground and he really screamed and then I felt like I won the great mom award for the day. Then L was upset because she thought I was going to break her cookie into 2 peices and I didn't break H's, oh yeah, she notices these things. So I made a fast break for the car and I was writing this blog in my head when H says, "Mommy that was really fun having lunch with you and all my friends." The end.

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