Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Baby L

L is extremely fun to have around. I am just so thankful and blessed to have her as my little girl. She is a very complex person but I'd like just to describe her a bit. She is so smiley! All it takes is a glance her way and she just lights up in a smile. She loves to wander around the house and find things to get into. And find them she will. She especially loves to find a sippy cup that has juice in it, much sweeter than her milk. She commonly is toting around a purse and is always happy to find a baby. She does not like at all for things to be taken from her and she also tends to covet others possessions, I know this because she will scream, 'MINE' until the situation is resolved or she is distracted. sigh, that is sometimes quite tiring. She is as friendly as can be. She is known to speak to everyone in the grocery store usually with a 'hey!' and a 'bye-bye.' She even sometimes will double greet if we see the same people on more than one aisle. It is like public service, it brings so many smiles. There are a few, a very few that she will go to. She has learned 'uh-huh' and 'uh-uh,' and has begun using then in such situations. She loves her pacis and her lovies, she does not mind going to bed and does not mind lying in bed after she wakes up for a bit. She has in the last week dropped her morning nap. I am so grateful for more time to be with her, but I do now require more help around the house. Oh tonight she put her shoes away all by herself, ok with J telling her too, it was so cute, after she put them away she ran back to give him a high five. She is loving beginning to run, it is still not very smooth, kinda bouncy, sooo cute. She loves the trampoline and is even beginning to hold her own with big bro and sis. And last week she went down the slide for the first time by herself, she isn't sure how much she likes it until she gets to the end. Today she landed about a foot off the slide on her bottom, paused, smiled and jumped up to do it again. Like I said, she is extremely fun to have around.

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