Saturday, November 1, 2008


We had an awesome day. Mom and Dad are here which makes my kids beyond excited. We had a great day of fellowship and play. We watched a terrible football game and it didn't ruin anything. This morning Dad called the adults together around the Word to encourage and pray. We spent about an hour speaking Truth to one another and petitioning for our family. I am just so overwhelmed today by the legacy they are leading our family into. They are modeling for us humility, serving, giving time to other, giving resources to others, encouraging, spending time with each other, speaking Truth to each other, praying for one another, surrendering all we have to the Lord, living simply, valuing the eternal valuable, teaching others the Word, caring for others, I could go on. I am just so blessed. And amazed. At how great our God is. How He has poured life into us. How he has turned our thoughts toward Him. How he has opened our eyes to His mercy and grace. I am just so grateful to Him. So grateful to be His.

This is just one recorded snapshot of the day. Ek was working on a new puzzle we got just to work on during the game. We were all a bit too zealous, though, and we were done before the first quarter was over. Did I say I watched the game? I didn't really. We also rode bikes, of course, ate lunch at Brians, Ek, Mopsey and I planned a trip to Disney, Mopsey played with the kids on the trampoline and swing set, we explored 2 partially built houses, and of course we spent a lot of time playing and smiling and giggling.

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