Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thanks for the mess!

I had a great fun mid-day today. I went to Cat's to cut out dresses and monogram them so I could come home and sew them together. She was going to make hair bows with Darla and Susanne after the boys were done with school and I couldn't resist returning to play some more after I picked H up. I made great progress on the outfits for my girls and helped Darla cut one out too. When we were all there, we had 9 children, since Ek was at school. They played so well, had great fun, even L. Cat is really gracious with her machine and her talents and her home. When it was time to go, we offered to help clean up saying her home was a disaster. She said she was so grateful to have friends come to play that she didn't mind the mess a bit. Oh, perspective. I have pondered on those words the rest of the day. I need a new plaque to hang on my laundry room door and I need one that says, "Thank you Lord for my mess." My mess represents some amazing people the Lord has given me. I'd take my mess over clean everyday than be without them. I hope I don't trip over something while on my way to bed tonight, but if I do, even then I will rejoice.

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