Thursday, July 30, 2009


We are in Hilton Head at the Christian Ophthalmology Society Meeting. It is a joy to see old friends and make new ones. And huge encouragement to meet others who are following the Lord as ophthalmologist, especially all those serving through missions.

It is humid and hot in HHI. We walked outside, I grabbed my camera and took a picture of the girls, it was completely fogged over. I wiped, took again, fogged over. Sweet pic though.

1 comment:

Megan Shirley said...

I thought of you the other day when I saw a picture on another blog. It was a picture of a bunch of big sticks leaning against a wall. They took on a new meaning when I read the caption: walking sticks of people who came to the hospital unable to see but after their cataract surgery no longer needed them. Amazing! Hope you have a wonderful time in HH!