Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sick bug

Little bug is sick today. So strange. Check up on Monday and Dr. put her on antibiotic for runny nose that she couldn't get over. So I think, no big deal. Today we had a very busy morning including grocery trip. I get home, get her out of the car and she is hot. 102 degrees hot. What?! I lay her down with Tylenol for a nap. A 4 hour nap. yikes! Then her temp 103.7. AHHH! After various talks to my kind nurse Rebecca, Motrin and a tepid bath. So she cries from the time I get her up from the nap to the end of the bath through the crying phone calls (her not me, whew!) and rocking rocking rocking. So we are in my room, Ek and H were up in L's room playing. We could hear them over the monitor. L cried and cried and then stopped. Several deep breaths later she says, "Hen-he?" We proceeded to have a 5 minute conversation. Did I mention she was lying in my arms, all wrapped up in her hooded towel with her little pink paci, excuse me 'ba'? She was adorable. And then to see her mood completely change by hearing the voice of her sweet big brother. Ok, ok so the conversation consisted of figuring out where everyone was.
me, h is upstairs playing.
l, where k
me, k is upstairs playing too,
l, where daddy,
me, daddy at work,
l, daddy eyes?
me, yes, daddy takes care of eyes
l, daddy come home?
me, yes daddy will come home,
l, i wan daddy stay home.
me, awwwww.
and on and on
she went from huge fever and terrible crying to the sweetest little face grinning over her sweet family. now that was much better. she is still quite hot, but ate a bit, ok 2 Popsicles and some animal crackers. j took the kids to a Bible study family cookout, so l and i read books for 45 minutes (a record) and she played babies. just to prove she is feeling, a picture. and now she is peacefully in bed. Thank you God for helping her, please help her through the night!

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