Friday, July 10, 2009

Almost 2

Today was L's last day of being 1. I admit I am a pretty nostalgic person and around this time of year I get really nostalgic. I talk to the kids alot about their births, where we were, what they were like. This spring I know I have already talked about how much I have just stared at L in disbelief that Ek was this size when H was born. Today H asked, "Mommy, was I L's age when I was born?" Ok so maybe I am just confusing them, but I continue. It is so fun to have them 2 years apart and compare what they were like-- not to see who was 'better' but just to see how they are different and how their lives are different. So L loves to play babies, she just naturally loves to nuture and take care of her babies, feed them, tote them around and put them to bed. Ek didn't really do that, she was all about her Little People dollhouse at this age, so it is fun to see L do something different. I can't remember how well the others talked but L can talk. Today she said, "No mommy, I don't want you to change my diaper." Wow. I did anyway. So tomorrow we celebrate our little L. Our little curly headed, playful, talkative, adorable L. Ek thinks she needs Chick-fil-A for breakfast and lunch and lots of hugs and kisses. H thinks she needs french toast for breakfast and to 'stay up' (not take her nap). I think she needs cake. a ladybug cake. and a new doll baby bed. and lots and lots of smiles, hugs and kisses.

We spent her last day of being one down in McRae at the park-- the playground and a nature walk- and Dairy Queen for lunch. It was great fun being with Grandma and Papa. I was very proud of our nature hikers, we walked close to 2 miles!

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