Thursday, July 30, 2009

Good work!

decided it was about time. TIme to get back into the ‘swing of things.’ I have never formally made a list of things for Ek and H to do around the house, but I thought I would see how it worked. I call them ‘responsibilities.’ The list is actually quite funny when you look at it, but I work well with to-do lists so I thought I’d see how it motivated them. So morning “responsibilities” are make bed, get breakfast and put away dishes (ok paper towel), get dressed, put clothes away, take vitamins and Zyrtec, brush teeth, gather up things for school. Not too bad. Evening responsibilities are put on PJs, put clothes away, pick out clothes for next day, brush and floss, Nasonex. Ek is so excited, i guess she takes after me. I hope it will just help them establish some sense of working together and taking care of themselves and their things. Ek makes her bed pretty often, but honestly H never has. Here is his first- impressive- attempt. Ek quickly followed and also did a great job (but almost too far, she probably won’t want to sleep in it!)


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