Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Mothering is very interesting. Whoa, whoa, whoa back up. Oh yes, I just finished making 5 'gingerbread' houses for Ek. Take a box, cut it up, cover with al foil, take a shirt box, cut it up, glue together to make a white house, glue to the al foil, cover with graham crackers, only Kroger brand and take to school without breaking to be decorated by the K5 kids only, no K4s invited, oh and mothers are invited too. I'm not sure when this tradition was started but it is strong, especially in the details. My fingertips are a bit burnt, it took 35 hot glue sticks. Now, back to Mothering... as I was gluing, especially during the painful squeezing and burning of my fingers, I got to thinking. 'Why am I doing this?' Actually I didn't ask. I knew why. its for my sweet Ek, not even just for her, I'd do it for any of them. The same reason I wipe bottoms, patiently wait for someone to spill something as I knew they would and then clean it up. The same reason I ride bikes, jump on the trampoline and push dirty feet on the swing. The same reason I got out Christmas decorations but left some undone for Ek to do. The same reason I give hugs and insist on kisses. Because I love them. Its no wonder why there are so many lousy mothers in the world. Doing this is not possible without love. And love is impossible without Christ. Now there is common grace given to all men and women for that matter. But not the love that gets you through the day with the days I'm given. I really do want to thrive here. And I really do want them to thrive. So I'll pray to God for strength. And keep following His word. And keep making 'gingerbread' houses or whatever the day may bring.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

what a great post - what we do for our kids - and we'd do it a million times over! the love of Jesus - I'd be toast without Him.
miss seeing you on Tuesdays!