Tuesday, December 23, 2008

for my 3 to learn about the wise 3

Ek is very excited for the morning. I debated for several years over how to tie in some spiritual significance to Christmas stockings, but just couldn't come up with much. She expressed her disappointment in this several weeks ago and I was determined to figure out how we could do this well. Well I'm not sure if it will go well, but I'm giving it my best shot. I made wise men traveling pouches to hand on their bed. I told ek that while she was sleeping and the stars where out, a prize would go into the pouch for her to find in the morning. Tomorrow morning it will be snacks for the wise men's journey. And since we travel on Christmas Eve, its appropriate. So there will be tangerines, pecans, fruit snacks and goldfish in her pouch in the morning. Then tomorrow night, they will hang them again and Christmas morning they will find gifts like Jesus got, gold rolos ( i said 'like' very loosely) and sweet smelling soaps and lotions. We have planned a birthday party for Jesus in the driveway, complete with balloons, bubbles, sidewalk chalk to write happy birthday in blue per ek's suggestion because that is what he wears, and dancing, singing and playing. I am quite excited, ek is very excited. Then the day after Christmas they will receive in their pouches a toy to remind them of the joy of being in His presence. We'll see! I hope it unfolds well and the excitement remains, and truth is learned. And I hope I don't fall asleep before they do and forget!

1 comment:

Megan said...

These are fantastic ideas, Katharine! I may steal some of them! It's tough being creative and fun in a way that can compete with the jolly ole fella but still be significant. Merry Christmas!