Friday, December 5, 2008

Houses and Boots

Today was Gingerbread house making day at EK's school. SO FUN! To hear that little classroom filled with all those little happy voices was truly wonderful. They were encouraged to eat all the yummy decorations which was really fun too. And then they went straight to chapel, I'm sure that went over really well. I loved sitting beside Ek working on our little home for our little bears. It was just a really sweet time, pun totally on purpose.

And Christmas came early for my little H today. It came early due to the face H made when I suggested we wrap the gift up to put under the tree, it was not pretty, actually it was a bit horrified. Grandma took us to pick out his first pair of boots. We were not disappointed. H was so excited. The salesman was so kind. The boots are adorable. H's face is priceless. He wore them out of the store and wouldn't walk through any dirt! We took him straight to J's office to show them off. He may sleep in them tonight.

Update: Ok, that was way to easy. I left the computer to return to my children, they were watching one cartoon in between bike riding and dinner eating. H was asleep in his boots on the couch.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

too funny - all of my girls got boots for Christmas today too.