Monday, December 8, 2008

Stop and listen

I am so thankful today for a reminder from Pastor Greg last night at the Christmas party. He reminded all of us parents of little people to stop every now and then and get on their level to hear their hearts.... This morning we were crazy getting to the car, I'm not sure why, but I looked at little Ek's face and I just was stopped in my tracts. She was buckling in and I just said, "I love you," and gave her a big hug. She didn't let go, I almost thought she was going to cry. I looked at her and she just said, 'mommy, what are we going to do after school today?' Now that is the most common of her questions, she always wants to know what is going to happen next, where does she get that? anyway, I'm so glad I stopped and hugged her so tight. It made us late for school, ok ok that didn't but all the craziness did, and it was so worth it. Then today at lunch, L was beyond sleeping in her bed, H was eating a picnic in the living room, too cold outside for his picnic lunch of turkey, cheese and raisins, and we just talked and talked. He is a great conversationalist. I got to hear all about school. You should of seen the mess we were sitting in, the tree is half decorated, the groceries are half put away and the toys are half put away, but me and my H just talked and talked. Its not to busy for that, no sir-ee. Ok, now about those half done things, ready set goooo

1 comment:

Kim said...

Thank you, thank you. What a great reminder to me this busy season, Katharine. I'm hearing it deep within my Spirit and am grateful for this oh, so gentle reminder. How we'd love to sit and listen to your H and give big hugs to EK...or maybe I'll just go up and hold L all during her nap!