Sunday, December 14, 2008

H's impression

H was so excited to see his sister in the Nutcracker. After running off a bit of steam before we found our seats. I guess the "we" needs a abit of expansion. J was supposed to come with me and H but unfortunately several people made poor choices that lead to their ophthalmologist being pulled away from his family to repair their eyes in the office and operating room, soooo J and mom swapped tickets. And thankfully J got to come to the show on Sat night. whew. Back to H... we found our seats and H was ready. He was so excited. He did not move the entire first half. He was mesmerized by the whole thing. Did not move or say a peek until intermission. This is H I'm talking about. Then he said, when they closed the curtain, "I want to see EK!"Awww. I explained she would be first out after the break. And she was. She was beautiful. I can't even begin to express how many times I got tears in my eyes. but that is another post. H was just a waving at Ek and so disappointed that she didn't wave back. awww. He did not say another work until 20 minutes later when he told me he wanted to see her again. He started to get a bit restless with about 5 dances to go. And with 3 dances to go he fell asleep. And slept until I woke him up about 2 hours later. I'm proud of my H for supporting his sister so well. Way to go H.

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