Saturday, January 2, 2010

Unity and Joy

I guess the New Year brings resolutions. I think we all make resolutions all the time, I guess it is just more official on Jan. 1. I didn't really set out to make resolutions, they just fell in my lap this year. I have 2. The first is to make it through the New Testament this year with John. Two years ago, his Thursday morning crew read the One Year Bible all the way and last year they read the Chronological all the way. This year they decided to read the New Testament. I think it is a great idea, less text to read gives more time for deeper reading and deeper pondering. We began with Matthew 1:1 -2:12. We read it over about 3 times yesterday, so familiar and so new. Amazing to think that Jesus saved us from our sins, I think of him just snatching us out of a briar patch. He doesn't just tell us, its ok that your were unkind. He says, you can stop it, I'll rescue you from it. I like that. So, day one, so far so good. I hope for a sweet year in unity to my J. We will begin our 10th year this summer, can't wait for that. Who knew it could be so good. Secondly, I was reading a magazine yesterday and an article about contagious behaviors, like being fit and healthy. Thankfully I am in a community that is fit and healthy, it is very normal to pursue good health. The article was talking largely about the community of our homes and that if parents walk it, there is a great probability the kids will too. And that seems to be true for my kids. But the direction I am wanting to pursue this year is for my home to be a house of joy. That I will seek to live in the fruit of the spirit, putting away my fleshy desires to seek after the things of God, knowing that his fruit will come. And look expectantly for my children's tone, attitude and life to move that way as well. I pray that I will seek to trust God for everything I need, including strength and direction and He will meet me with peace and joy. So here's to 2010, a year of unity and joy.

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