Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Back to it

H had two soccer practices this week. Mondays was perfect timing to take Ek to dance, go to the soccer field, play and play, and return perfectly to pick her up. Tuesday she got in the car with her usual, "are we going to play with anyone?" with such hope in her voice. I told her "no"- after we homework and prepare food to deliver, we will deliver it to a friend and then dash to the soccer field. She fell distraught. I do not think it was the news or the delivery, I think it was just a tired little person. I told her we are a family and we support one another, that she will have fun a the field and enjoy that H his getting a turn to play. It probably was not the pep talk, but she had such a wonderful time at practice. She began by rolling down hills with little siblings of our dear friends and then she came to check what I was doing. I was helping get balls out of the net and return them to the coaches- J, John and Bill. I made it seem like fabulous fun and again, most likely not me, but she took to it and kept that role for the rest of practice with such joy and enthusiasm. She then ran the end of practice sprints with the boys (and almost won) and came joyfully to car. I am so happy that she choose to have a good attitude. And I hope that we will forever have a joyful attitude to support one another in work, service, play or whatever. And I do realize it was H's soccer practice, so here is the report on him: He did great. He has definitely gotten stronger, faster and more confident. It is fun watching him not be the youngest on the team and have some confidence to get out there and show his little self. He followed the directions and waited patiently for his turn. And he loved having J and me to help coach (probably almost as much as we loved it)(did I mention I wore my soccer cleats? I did). I can't wait to watch his first game and cheer him on. Lastly, I was telling someone that he has 2 friends on his team, J and W, when I was corrected by H that actually all the boys on his team were his friends. Ata boy H.

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