Thursday, January 7, 2010

Clever Ek

2 clever moments from my Ek: We were talking yesterday about the Texas/ Alabama game tonight. We were talking about the important things like team colors and mascots. They were very intrigued to hear that the Texas mascot was a longhorn bull. Ek said, I cannot remember the direct quote, but something to the effect of, I sure hope the other team doesn't wear red because that bull would be chasing them all over the field! How hilarious that Alabama does actually wear red. And I do think the Horns will be chasing them down!

Today when I took L to school, they were beginning their day by painting penguins. L's shirt was covered in yellow and orange paint. Ek said that it must have been a macaroni penguin. You know, macaroni and cheese, orange and yellow. There most certainly is such a thing as a macaroni penguin, not so much orange and yellow or covered in pasta, but I like the pun. That girl, I tell you what, how clever.

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