Wednesday, January 27, 2010


My sweet dear brother called Sunday to report that he was leaving for Haiti on Saturday. I am really so excited for him to be able to go and serve the Haitians in the name of Jesus during an unbelievable catastrophic trial they are living. I am so grateful that God saw that B is ready to go for Him. I am so grateful to be able to pray for him as he goes and can't wait to hear the report. I remember when B first went to Peru to follow the Lord's call to minster hope to those people and he came home so in awe of God. I wait expectantly to hear what God will do and speak. He will show himself big that's for sure.
And I can't help but think about what it means to those around B to see him say "yes." I already had to confront the thought of sending my J as he was very willing and trying to figure out with a missionary if now was the time for him to go. But I can't help now to think of it in my mom's shoes. Monday night, I watched my H at soccer, he is bigger and stronger than he was in the fall. He is growing in wisdom, he is growing in love and just in all ways. And yet, as we were driving home from the field, he pulled his little legs in criss-crossed and fell asleep. I carried him up to his room and put his train Pjs on him and got his puppy for him and kissed him good night. And I thought, he's growing, but he is still my boy. I will always be his mommy. I will always be 27 years older. He will always be my boy. I think it is quite different to send off a husband verses a son. I see J as stronger than me, he is my leader. I see him as the capable one from my family to follow the Lord far away to a dangerous zone to serve boldly. My H will grow bigger and stronger and faster and hopefully smarter and I hope I will let him grow up as the Lord helps him and yet, I wonder, if part of me will see him as my sweet baby boy. One thing I do know, I love that boy. I love to watch him play hard, I am loving watching him learn to and I love to see him living in joy and love as the beautiful boy God has made him.
So I pray for my dear B. my brother. One who has been a leader to me all my life. One who I have looked up to all my life. And I look up to him again. So excited to see this adventure lived out. Bless him Lord with your presence, your guidance, your protection, your love.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I remember hearing about a family who were sending their son, 16 at the time, overseas with another family for a couple of weeks and thinking, "SERIOUSLY??" Now, my baby's saving and planning and praying for Uganda...and I keep thinking, "Please, Lord. Don't let this passion die for your people. Send her and send her again...and keep her there if you need her there. Open my hands. Open my heart. Don't let her passion for you overtake mine."

He's a good Father to give us time to grow as they do! We're ready...almost...and getting stronger in our faith every day. You can and will do it, Katharine! I know you will. I have seen your faith...mountains could be moved at a word!