Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I have a moment I would like to remember. This is a moment of mine that I would like to keep and remind my self of one day. It was not an easy moment to come to! J said the other day that Saturday, I made him a perfect cup of coffee!!! Now I have made him many a cup of coffee and many times he heads back over to the creamer or sugar, quietly, and makes adjustments. He has even been known to not drink it at all after the first sip. So for him to say I had made a perfect cup, was, well, close to miracle. He even looked a bit shocked as he said it. I know my expression was pure shock. Ok so here is what happened. He went on a bike ride with Mike. It has been so cold. Like highs barely making 30s. Mike called to ask if he wanted to ride and I was thinking J would say no. Even J was thinking he could say no. But after talking to Mike and telling him no, J changed his mind. He put on every piece of exercise clothes he owns. Well maybe not every, but close, he was a grey marshmallow. They said they would ride an hour. After an hour and a half, I thought, J is going to be cold. It was close to dark, so I knew they would pull in any minute. So I put on a pot of coffee and found the heating pad. I turned the heating pad on high and put it on the couch for him to sit on when he got in. As soon as he walked in, I fixed him coffee, he wrapped his feet up in the heating pad and held the coffee cup in his bright red cold hands. He had a bit of a stare in his eyes, he was cccooollldddd. He didn't say it at the time, but the next day, he said it was the best cup of coffee he had ever had. He quickly went on to say, it wasn't just the coffee, but it was the arrangement. In other words, the creamer/sugar/coffee strength wasn't perfect, but the timing made up for it. Hey, I'll take it. And keep it forever.

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