Sunday, December 13, 2009


There are really just a hundred wonderful moments from this weekend- I only know that I should start typing. So here I go...

I love that Ek loves being a part of the Nutcracker so much. When we pulled away from the cast party today she said that she just wished she was leaving the first practice and not the last. Sweet girl. I love when my kids find something they love. She may not love it in 3 years, but she loves it now, so I do too. It was wonderful to see how happy she was especially after she performed. i didn't think she would ever quiet down and get some rest last night. She asked so often to go early and stay late. They must be doing some good things around that theater! I love how she smiled on stage, so joyfully! She performed with such purpose and such determination and such calm. I pray the Lord will use that in her life all of her life. She and the girls were such a hoot to watch backstage. They would play their video games, watch videos, color and put on lip gloss until we would call them to get dressed and they would pop out of their seats and run to put their costumes on! They would all ask at least once if it was time to get dressed into the costumes before it was time. Ek was no exception, she loved wearing her costumes. She was an absolute joy to watch.

It rained again. Rain does not make the weekend easy. The tents were in place to cover the walkway from our dressing room to the theater but rain sneaks in. I walked over to our door yesterday and mud was covering the floor. I called Dad and J to come to my rescue with a mop. I jokingly said that they would probably mop all afternoon if they thought they needed to. They did. They were not ever asked, but they stayed the entire performance, moping and carrying girls to and from stage. Amazing. Mom came with Dad to the night performance so J could stay home with the kids. I am so overwhelmed by that display of love. When we were sitting down last night after we all took some Tylenol, we could see that Dad had a few sprinkles glimmering off his jacket. He said he was proud of his sparkles, I know he was. Then he took Ek is his arms and told her he loved her much more than a little bit. I know he knows that is true.

We all had a ball seeing Ek perform. J, H and I came Friday night. J's family came Saturday. J looked at me Sat morning and told me he really wanted to come again to see it. H was begging to see it again. So Sunday, mom, dad, J, H, L and I went to the show.
Sweet little L fell asleep during party scene and woke up 15 minutes before finale. I tried to show her Ek during the battle scene, but she was too far gone. I hope I never forget what she looked like lying in my lap in her beautiful soft red dress with her black shiny shoes, curly hair and sweet lips, lying with her little head on puppy on my shoulder. sigh. One of those sweetest things ever. H had so much fun watching. He was a bit over it by the time the professionals came out, but everything else, he loved! He was so proud to not be afraid of the Rat King, and wanted to keep up with who she was the rest of the show. I loved during Friday nights show he was concerned that Clara had lost her shoe. And I love that he hummed along to the music at times. He sat so still, stayed so engaged and asked the cutest questions. J even watched with a grin on his face. Today I brought Ek out before she got dressed so she could see where we were sitting. When she was playing her horn, she looked down the row and saw every one of us. That is the advantage of sitting on the 3rd row!

It was just a fabulous, sparkly, joyful weekend.

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