Thursday, December 31, 2009

A dog-gone good weekend

We were very excited to arrive to meet W's new best friend.
The kids were a bit anxious, every time we spoke of Coco, L would say, "I wan pops hold me." Thankfully she was kept to the kitchen and yard so the kids were happy inside. We had some wonderful play high lights including baseball on a real field and in the yard,

a hike in the neighborhood and at a state park,

and some wii flying sword fights and ping pong. The guys also took the kids to the movie. We loved going to their church, we had an encouraging message to get to know more of God this coming year- I always love a good pep talk. J and I also enjoyed running in the dark cold fog while almost being eaten by a huge dog and taking a wrong turn on our way home. good times. But really

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