Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Break so far

We have had so much fun since being home for Christmas!! Monday we went to visit Ronda and see her adorable white fluffy puppy. She sent us home with frames to make "gingerbread house" or graham cracker houses that are covering milk cartons. They had a ball. I only bought gumdrops, I think gumdrops make gingerbread houses. The rest of the candy we used was all the candy they came home with in their Christmas treat bags. Note-- great way to use up candy. They enjoyed eating candy along the way but I did keep telling them to stop!! or you will get a tummy ache. I was so tickled to have them in the kitchen while I was getting food ready for our annual friend party.
The friend party was Monday night. We had so much fun. The kids played and played and we ate and ate. What a blessing to have such wonderful friends. The women had fun, the men had fun and the kids had fun. All in all-- good!

Other things the kids have been up too...

the Little people have been out again! Gracious my kids love those houses, animals and people. They have mostly been playing 'neighbors.' Wonder where they got that idea? They get together and play and have dinner. There also has been a lots of fence building and animal containing. Love it!

Ok the other day, I was in the kitchen cleaning (surprise surprise) and the kids were coloring (another shocker), L climbs onto the counter (again, ordinary day), she climbs over to the fish bowl and throws in a few crayons. Then she said "go get it Emma!" hahahahaha L was trying to teach her fish to fetch. hilarious.

The kids have also been building forts, playing pretend family and today they played veterinarian with the Littlest pets. I am so happy that they have been enjoying each other so much. We are having a great time.

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