Sunday, December 6, 2009


Several days ago, on our way home, 2 cats passed in front of our car, they passed to L's side so I let her watch them for a minute. She said she would tell Daddy when he got home and honestly I didn't put much thought into it. But the second he came 6 hours later, she gave him a hug and said, "Daddy we saw 2 kitty cats cross the road!" Wow that she can hold a thought like that for that long. J kinda looked at me like "what?" He was so pleased that she had thought of him.

Ek has been so sweet with L lately. She is quite the big sister. Friday J took H to school, Ek was staying home with fever. L fell apart. I rocked her for a few minutes and she was calming down when Ek offered to read her a book. So they cured up on the couch and Ek read her all the books that L wanted. how sweet.

Ek is also leaning the art of distraction. While sick and lounging on our bed, L came to see what was going on. Because she was not sick, she had a bit too much energy for Ek. Ek said "L, will you show me your forward roll on the floor?," in her sweetest, most encouraging little voice. Good one Ek. I don't think it worked, but I appreciate her kind attempt to get her off the bed.

H is doing so much better at choir. He doesn't love going but he loves singing and I just have really encouraged him to share something that he is so great at! He has been almost leaning on me while he sings, but tonight I was able to sit in a chair and watch him sing. It was so fun. He is adorable when he sings. I hope he will sing in front of the crowd for the performance (insert fingers crossed).

Our weekend Nutcracker rehearsals are over. I confess I am sad. I just love it. I am so excited about this week and cannot wait for Friday night!!!! And I promise you, I am not a stage mom, Ek is equally excited.

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