Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Sing everyone!

Sunday night we were delighted to have Ek and H on the same stage singing about the birth of our Savior. Rehersals had not gone quite as well as we would have liked. H wasn't always cooperative and Ek was usually dancing. But they had learned the songs so well and loved singing them. Ek was so excited to get up there and sing. H was a bit more anxious, but I finally convinced him that I would stand next to him, behind the curtain, and he was ready. They sang great. I really love when they can learn through music. One song was about how the best thing about Christmas was that the whole world is singing the same song at the same time. On our way home Ek was talking about that very thing, that her favorite thing about Christmas is that some people even about Jesus that don't even know him. very true. It is a wonderful time of year. And it was wonderful to see my sweet kids singing together.

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