Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Unsupervised H and other news

I just walked into the kitchen to see why someone, aka H, was closing cabinets. He was eating an ice cream sandwich. It's 6:30 in the morning! sigh.

In other H news, yesterday on the way to school H says, "mommy, I like little girls." i reply, "me too, H," I was thinking about the ones he was sitting next too and was just about to say "like your sweet sisters" when he said, "yeah, they're really cute." yikes! he's just 3! I guess he missed his little girl friends over the break.

In more righteous news, I will not be spending this Thursday the way I thought I would. Several months ago when H got his first cold of fall, he began breathing treatments and stayed on them for maybe 2 months. We were at the pediatrician's office one day for a sister and H coughed. Our doctor turned his head to H with a concerned look. "It doesn't get any better than that," I told him. He recommended the pulmonologist. sigh. So then back in November mom and dad come to visit and dad just says that we need to pray for H and ask God to heal him. Well after we prayed he didn't improve much, but several weeks later we missed a treatment and then another one a few days later and I realized he was doing ok. Same with his oral medicines. And here we are several weeks without either and H cannot make himself cough and has no runny nose. God has brought healing to my H. I am so grateful. I called yesterday to cancel his appointment which means no chest xray, no upper GI study and no test for Cystic Fibrosis. I think the pulmolologist would just shrug his shoulders at us if we sat in his exam room, H is just a healthy kid. ahhhh. Hallelujah.

This is H singing "Away in a Manger" over the final building of the Nativity scene of this season in our home.


Megan said...

Unsupervised H posts are my favorite! I suspect I will be starting Unsupervised Ford posts very soon!

Kim said...

I'm so grateful to our Father, Katharine! We've had such a turn around on our sweet Brennan's health as well. I understand your gratitude and dependence on His mercy very well!

I love you, dear friend.

PS...almost included your name on the email about spring Bible studies! Wanna come?! Just climb over the fence...sigh...