Saturday, January 17, 2009

Amazing Grace

Tonight J and I had dinner with several couples from our church. One couple shared the testimony of their relationship. They got pregnant during high school, broke up the week they told their parents and had a completely horrible relationship for about 4 years. During that time they hardly spoke, even to pass off their son for visits. But then-- I just love the but thens-- they were both saved, both taught in the Word and finally God told him to go home and marry his bride. To watch her sit and listen to him tell their story was amazing. She beamed of love for him and I just kept thinking, they couldn't sit in the same room for like a year. They didn't 'just grow up' or decide it was best for their son to be married. The Lord changed them. They are new creations as the Bible teaches. It is truly amazing to see the Lord's reconciliation walking in flesh and blood. They have been married for almost 10 years now and have a second son. It just amazing to hear their testimony and it leads me to pray, may I never mistake God's amazing power in my life. I once was blind, but not I see, I was lost, but now I'm found. I didn't just get older and wiser. I'm new. Oh I am so grateful to the One who saved me.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Oh, Katharine...thanks so much for sharing that story. How wonderful are God's workings for the children of men! Praise His Name!

Go and marry your long, O Sovereign God, until you turn to Your Right Hand and say to my Lord...Go and marry Your bride!

Brings me to tears...Longing with you...