Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sharing everything

Last night we had our first small group from church to our home. It went really well and I was so pleased at how "real" everyone was. I think it is going to be great. The highlight for me though was the kids. We had a sitter come to our house so the kids could play upstairs while we were downstairs, they had a ball! Ek and H hauled toys up to their rooms so their friends would have their best toys to play with. I told them they could put anything too special away if they wanted, but they didn't! They were so excited to share everything they had. ahhhh, that was so nice. Ek gets in the car most everyday after school asking who we are going to play with, most days I am fumbling to find a better option of what we were doing; last night was great because they really looked forward to it, after Moe's of course, and just had a great time. Makes me look forward to next Wednesday.

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