Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Unsupervised H and his partner in crime

L is going to learn so many wonderful things from her big brother. He is so kind, generous, funny, athletic and smart; I could go on and on. sigh. Unfortunately, this is a sinful world and she will learn some bad things from him as well... This is one of them. Tonight while J was finishing up his supper, it takes time, Ek was in the dining room with us... H and L were not. This is what L was doing...WHAT?!? sigh. It true. She climbed onto the counter by herself. She followed the trail of her big brother. She knew the bag of candy left from the birthday pinata was there and she was determined. I actually caught her when she was on the stool and when I was grabbing my camera she made the final step. "Gum? Gum?" was her request. I need prayer. Do you see the look in her eye? Can you possibly turn down that look?... yes


Megan said...

Oh. My.

Kim said...

If only the microwave were next to the fridge...then she could top Cassie in the "(Gasp) Please, please, don't move, Sweetie." award category.

Isn't it startling how quickly it happens? And aren't we grateful that Christ commands the world to keep His people safe??