Monday, April 5, 2010


Tonight is the last evening of our wonderful spring break. Yesterday, on Easter afternoon, I read a book, the entire thing, I do better that way, whose main point was encouraging us to enjoy the life God has given. I really enjoy hearing believers say the same message about our God in different and unique ways. This book, by Brennan Manning, was a work of fiction that told the story of the his life. I have heard Piper say for years that "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him." As I am thinking on our week, I hope not only God, but also my children and the people around me see that I am enjoying the life God has for me. I enjoyed so much walking around the pond in Athens and watching my kids collect interesting rocks, pine cones and nuts; I loved watching them climb and jump, I love watching them eat ice cream cake and seeing how it gathers all over their faces, hands and clothes, I love holding their hands through a tense movie and seeing and hearing their pondering of the story, I love seeing them sleep (they probably don't see that one), I love playing games with them, I love to read with them, I love knowing them, I love being surprised by them, I loved watching them pet the bunnies through the security of the cage and seeing them run when the door was opened, I loved seeing them so happy to sit next to their cousins, I loved watching them play with their cousins, I love hearing them play, I love watching them swing. What gifts they are. What a gift this time is. Sometimes I think I cannot pick up another toy, or shoe, or wrapper. But I hope, when I get back to them, and can celebrate a successful relay race, and the joy on our faces gives that strength to my back to lean over again and lay out those school clothes for the next day and say, "It was a really great day," or as my Dad would like to hear me say, ''that was a really great game." Lord strengthen my frame tonight with your word and your presence to call all my day good that is spent in your will caring for the gifts of my day.

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