Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Garden Ponders

Speaking of weeds... I know of at least one sermon I have heard comparing weeds to sin. I'm sure 100s have been preached. Of course there is the parable of the seeds in the Bible too. About seeds falling on rocky ground, weedy ground and good soil. So I've been pulling some good weeds these last few days. So here are my weeding ponderings~~
It is amazing how quickly they spring up. That ground was so tilled, raked, cleared, etc. It was looking pretty good. 4 days later and grass and tiny little leaves everywhere. And how quickly do old thoughts pop up after a good tilling at church, in the word etc. You get some good encouragement, conviction, resolve to get back going good and hours later, back to the old. We got to keep that tilling going, keep in the Word, keep Gods truth stirring around in our minds in hearts.
I have been so impressesd with some of the roots I have pulled out. Sometimes a little dead looking stick will be 3 feet. Or a tiny blade of grass will be a huge root system as big as my hand or as long as a foot long. Wow! Somtimes what you think looks dead and will come right out will not budge. And I think there are some tiny little habits that run deep in us. You gotta dig deep sometimes to get stuff out so the good stuff can grow. I keep telling H yesterday, we need our good plants to get all the water and nutrients and sunshine. And it is quite satisfying to get some big stuff out.
Its dirty. Like Ek said, its hard work. I thought so many times about the fall, now work is hard. Its sweaty and a struggle. Its encouraging to know life isn't just hard for me. And I'm just having a garden for fun, to see what can grow! I'm not desperate for it. I'm just looking to learn something new. Maybe one day I will need it. I am so thankful for Grady and Dave and Emma Jean coming to help me. I definatley could not have done this on my own. So true of life. We just can't make it alone. And I can't wait to share the fruit of our labor. Can't wait to give away the blessing from the work.
Always good to have some time, in God's beautiful creation, pondering his ways.

Not a weed. Its a squash. pretty sure, too bad L took up all the labels. hahahah

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