Monday, April 26, 2010


Ronda blessed us with an opportunity to watch caterpillars grow and turn into butterflies. It really was amazing. We got this little jar with these tiny little caterpillars that were as big as as piece of string. They ate and ate and grew and grew until they wrapped themselves all up and we waited patiently until they emerged as beautiful little butterflies. We were not very patiently to let them go though. I just was sad that their beautiful new wings couldn’t spread wide and go exploring. We waited until our sweet neighbors were home and HH graciously transfered them one by one to their beautiful Lantana. I had heard that those were their favorite. It was really something special to see 6 beautiful butterflies on one plant. They were so beautiful. We all stood around and just stared at them until one by one they got their courage to fly. What a gift to see these beautiful creatures. Butterflies always remind me of a craaft one of our friends did in Venezuela when the children glued little pieces of tissue paper to a butterfly with the verse “For in Christ you are a new creation, the old is gone, behold the new has come!” And I can say that when I first came to know the Lord for myself way back in college I did feel light as a butterfly. Knowing God loved me made me feel like my feet were off the ground. I will never forget that.

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